Imagine visiting a manufacturing company and interviewing the machines on the shop floor. Some would be older, there from the company’s the rocky beginning. Some would be new and fancy, added just last week.
The original members would have so many stories to tell. Of successes and failures, of growth and near closure, of freezing winters and hot, sweaty summers. They would recall specific events, imprinted deeply in their minds of when they alone were able to produce the parts so desperately needed, just in time, by a customer in trouble, now saved.
Since our launch in 2007, P1 has, like the Bridgeport, enjoyed seasons of blessing and seasons of struggle. As we grew from just two employees to one hundred (and counting), we too have so many amazing stories to tell. Mostly, our stories revolve around our incredible team. Coming from all sorts of backgrounds, ranging from farming to technology, our people provide a uniquely talented mix of hard work, innovation, reliability and trustworthiness.
As we prepare for 2023, we’re busy experiencing our best year yet. Yes, our machines and tools are some of the best in the business, but our people are the very best in the business. Our vision of revitalizing American manufacturing isn’t a pipe dream. It’s a reality being lived by our team, every single day.