Loren Conbeer, P1 Manufacturing machinist extraordinaire, recenlty celebrated winnnig 40 under 40 in Albany, NY. We couln’t be more proud of Loren, the first machinist in the Capital District to win this prestigious award. His hard work over many years, focus, dedication and leadership skills opened the way for Loren to receive the recognition he deserves.
Enjoy Loren’s comments on several questions he was asked by the Albany Business Review, who are responsible for putting on these excellent and important annual awards, to promote business in upstate New York.
What would it take to attract more young professionals to the Capital Region? I believe opportunities for growth in any area follow when entrepreneurs and business leaders seek ways to add value and solve problems in the community. Professionals like to align themselves with a mission that makes a difference. More young professionals will want to be involved as the business community focuses on innovative problem solving and value creation.
What’s been the most pivotal moment of your career so far? My career in manufacturing started with eight years as a machinist. The most pivotal moment was when I made the decision to focus all my attention on leading and building a team of machinists instead of being focused on being a good one myself. My leadership skills have increased, and the overall efficiency of my team has improved.
What do you want to accomplish in the next 10 years? Our company mission is to revitalize American manufacturing right here in the Capital Region. In the next 10 years, I would like to help create 100 new manufacturing jobs in the area.
How would you describe your work to someone you met al a cocktail party? We manufacture OEM parts in the oil and gas, cryogenic, aerospace and defense industries.
What recharges your mental energy? I enjoy spending time with my family, playing guitar and hiking in the Adirondacks.
Who is someone you’d want to trade places with for a day? Grant Cardone. The level of energy, drive and commitment Grant operates at would be awesome to witness in person.
Three surprising things about me: I play bluegrass and country music, I grew up on a farm, and I have a passion for real estate investing.
What I’m listening to: “The Five Levels of Leadership,” by John C. Maxwell.